About myself

My name is Peter, but you might know me for my online nick pitpo. This is my personal wall, where you can read what I have to say (hence auditorium). All the articles I've ever felt like writing (and finishing) can be found here. Mostly gaming and dev related things as that's what I happen to do on daily basis. English is not my primary language and I don't have a PhD in linguistics, so expect to see some weird phrasing and grammatical mistakes.

Currently I'm employed as a software developer for a major telecom vendor. I happen to work with quite low level APIs, so I naturally got interested in the ways of embedded software development. I'd like to eventually design and develop a physical controller for VoiceMeeter (software audio mixer), the plan is to document my journey through the world of microcomputers and electronics.

I was always amazed by the works of people at GOG in bringing the old and forgotten clusterfuck of 90's and 00's proprietary code to modern platforms. My dream job is to join them someday, but that will require a solid reverse engineering foundation. Acquiring it is another thing I'm going to be focusing on in the articles.

Besides all the technical things I'm doing, I'm also a speedrunner (and a Twitch streamer, I guess). I'm addicted to Grand Theft Auto series (especially the 3D trilogy), so that's what I'm mostly running/streaming. I'm also trying to stream the games I play... and my backlog is huge, so you can expect anything (that is if I force myself to smash that "Start streaming" button).

I might drop some music someday, too 👀

About the domain name

I'm not a queen and this is not a palace. It's a reference to a beatmania (japanese rhythm game) song - "naughty girl@Queen's palace" by "DJ Mass MAD Izm*". As you can probably imagine right now, the joke was supposed to be hosting the mail naughtygirl@queenspalace.dev

However... I needed a file hosting before I sat down to set up the mail server. It's not up yet by the way, so don't bother :)

About the site design

I don't like javascript, I don't like forcing javascript and heavy frameworks into every single web project. I don't need anything that CSS can't do and I'm fine with static content, (re-)generation of which might be controlled by scripts ;)

I'm using Skeleton and a strong inspiration from Fabien Sanglard's website (it's a great blog, you should check it out).